nichole mcclure

As a Project Manager, Nichole brings years of operations and project management experience to her role. With an observant eye for opportunity, strong task execution and a need to stay organized, she primarily oversees various client needs and is involved in numerous aspects of our company.

Nichole was born and raised in the Bangor area; a graduate of Hermon High School. She has previously held roles in different career fields including; financial operations, healthcare technology and solar electricity. A determination to continuously learn and be a dynamic individual can be seen in her personal ventures as well. She was a scorekeeper for Maine-based mixed martial arts events and has completed two Tough Mudder and five Trek Across Maine events.

She is a mom and enjoys her two sprightly rescue dogs; Riley and Phoebe. She also enjoys reading, photographing the world around her and hiking/jogging in the Maine outdoors.

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